Publications & Talks

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Calder, J., Coil, R., Melton, J.A., Olver, P.J., Tostevin, G., and Yezzi-Woodley, K., Use and misuse of machine learning in anthropology, IEEE BITS Magazine, to appear. [pdf] [Journal]

Yezzi-Woodley, K., Calder, J., Olver, P.J., Melton, A., Cody, P., Huffstutler, T., Terwilliger, A., Tappen, M., Coil, R. and Tostevin, G., (2020). The Virtual Goniometer: A new method for measuring angles on 3D models of fragmentary bone and lithics. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 13(106), 2021. [pdf] [Journal]

O'Neill, R., Angulo-Umaña, P., Calder, J., Hessburg, B., Olver, P.J., Shakiban, C., and Yezzi-Woodley, K., (2019). Computation of circular area and spherical volume invariants via boundary integrals, SIAM J. Imaging Sci., to appear. [pdf] [Journal]

Coil, R., Yezzi-Woodley, K., & Tappen, M. (2020). Comparisons of impact flakes derived from hyena and hammerstone long bone breakage. Journal of Archaeological Science, 120, 105167.

Other Publications

Yezzi-Woodley, Katrina, Martha Tappen, Reed Coil, and Samantha Gogol. "Rivers and Bones." Open Rivers: Rethinking Water, Place, and Community (2018).


Olver, P. "The Theory and Application of Moving Frames". Five lectures in Groups, invariants, and moving frames, Winter School and Workshop, Wisla, Poland (online), February 2021. [website]

Olver, P.  “Recent developments in the theory and applications of moving frames”. Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, Isfahan, Iran (online), August 2020. 

Olver, P. Plenary Speaker, "Origins and applications of signatures". Geometry of curves in time series and shape analysis. Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the SciencesLeipzig, Germany (online), August 2020. [video]

Yezzi-Woodley, K. "The importance and challenges of refitting fragmented animal bones from archaeological sites". Geometry of curves in time series and shape analysis. Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences. Digital Conference, August 2020. [video]

Calder, J.  "Discrete regularity for graph Laplacians". Workshop on Stochastic Analysis Related to Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs. Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, May 2020.

Calder, J. "Discrete to continuum in graph-based learning on k-nearest neighbor graphs". Center for Nonlinear Analysis Seminar. Carnegie Mellon University, February 2020.

Olver, P. “Equivalence, symmetry, and the reassembly of broken objects”. Distinguished Speaker Series, University of Alabama in Huntsville, February 2020

Olver, P. “Moving frames and their applications” Distinguished Atiyah Lecture, CAMS@20, Centre for Advanced Mathematical Sciences, American University of Beirut, Lebanon, November 2019.

Calder, J. "Computation of integral invariants for geometry processing with applications to analysis of broken bone". Symposium on Computational Modeling and Image Processing of Biomedical Problems, June 2019.

Elefandi, J. Edge Detection on Bone Fragment Scans. Senior Thesis, May 2019.

Olver, P. “Recent developments in the theory and applications of moving frames”. International Workshop on Applications of Moving Frames to Equations and Geometry, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China, May 2019.

Olver, P. “Applications of differential invariants and moving frames in image processing and beyond”. Operations Analytics and Optimization Center for Smart Industry, Northeastern University, Shenyang, China, May 2019.
Olver, P. “Reassembly of broken objects”. Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, May 2019.
Olver, P. “Applications of differential invariants and moving frames in image processing and beyond”. The 2nd Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics Conference on Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, Santiago, Chile, May 2019.

Olver, P., Yezzi-Woodley, K., Calder, J., Tappen, M., Coil, R., Shakiban, C., Angulo-Umaña, P., O’Neill, R., Hessburg, B., Elafandi, J., Theis, J. "An Automated Approach to the Classification of Fragmented Faunal Remains using Differential Geometric Methods and Machine Learning". Check Object Integrity. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) Meetings, April 2019. [video]

Yezzi-Woodley, K., Calder, J., Olver, P., Tappen, M., Coil, R., Shakiban, C., Angulo-Umaña, P., O’Neill, R., Hessburg, B., Elafandi, J., Theis, J. (2019). "An Automated Approach to Segmentation and Refitting of Fragmented Faunal Remains using Differential Geometric Methods". Check Object Integrity. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) Meetings, April 2019. [video]

Yezzi-Woodley, K., Calder, J., Olver, P., Tappen, M., Coil, R. "Improving Zooarchaeological Methods for Classifying Fragmented Faunal Remains using Differential Geometric Methods and Machine Learning". Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, April 2019. [pdf]

Olver, P. “Moving frames, differential invariants, and the reassembly of broken objects”. University of Colorado, Boulder, April 2019.  

Olver, P. “Symmetry and invariance in cognition — a mathematical perspective”. (2 lectures). Workshop on Invariance and Geometry in Sensation, Action and Cognition, Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Harvard University, April 2019.

Olver, P. “Differential invariants, moving frames, equivalence and symmetry, image processing, and the reassembly of broken objects”. Symmetry 2019: Modern Treatment of Symmetries, Differential Equations and Applications Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, January 2019.

Olver, P. “Broken objects and differential invariants”. Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM), Brown University, November 2018.

Olver, P. “Reassembly of broken objects”.  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, November 2018.
Olver, P. Special Session on Extensions-Interpolation-Shape Matching in Rd, Symmetry-Invariance, Algorithms and Related Topics, Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, University of Michigan, October 2018. “Reassembly of broken objects” 
Olver, P. “Reassembly of broken objects”. Workshop on Morphometrics, Morphogenesis and Mathematics, Center of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, Harvard University, October 2018.

Yezzi-Woodley, K., Calder, J., Olver, P., Tappen, M., Coil, R., Shakiban, C., Angulo-Umaña, P., O’Neill, R., Hessburg. B. "Using Differential Geometry to Improve Zooarchaeological Methods for Refitting Fragmented Faunal Remains". International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ) International Conference, Ankara, Turkey, September 2018

Yezzi-Woodley, K., Calder, J., Olver, P., Tappen, M., Coil, R., Shakiban, C., Angulo-Umaña, P., O’Neill, R., Hessburg. B. "Using Differential Geometric Methods and Machine Learning to Improve Zooarchaeological Methods for Classifying Fragmented Faunal Remains". International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ) International Conference, Ankara, Turkey, September, 2018. [pdf]

Olver, P. “Computation with moving frames”. Symmetry and Computations, Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM), Luminy, France, April 2018.
Olver, P. “Reassembly of broken objects”. Mathematical Association of America Sectional Meeting, Mankato State University, Minnesota, April 2018.  

Olver, P. “Reassembly of broken objects” . Integrable Systems, Symmetries, and Orthogonal Polynomials, Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Madrid, Spain, (public lecture at the Royal Academy of Sciences), September 2017. 

Olver, P. “Moving frames in applications”. International Summer School on Geometry, Mechanics and Control, Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Madrid, Spain, July 2017. (6 lectures)

Olver, P. “Equivalence, invariants, puzzles, and cancer”. University of Iceland, Reykjavik, June 2017.

Olver, P. “Recent progress in object recognition and symmetry detection in digital images”. Princeton University, March 2017.  
Olver, P. “Symmetry, invariants, and puzzles”. Morgan State University, Maryland, March 2017.

Olver, P. “Moving frames and their applications”. Federation University, Ballarat, Australia, January 2017.


Angulo-Umaña, P., Olver, P., Calder, J., Yezzi-Woodley, K. (2019). Automatic Classification of Anthropological Bone Sample. American Mathematical Society and Mathematical Association of Joint Mathematics Meeting. 

Coil, R., Yezzi-Woodley, K., Tappen, M. (2019). Comparisons of Impact Flakes Derived from Hyena and Hammerstone Long Bone Breakage. Annual Meeting of the Paleoanthropology Society. 

Johnson, K., Dropps, K., Yezzi-Woodley, K. (2019). Testing for inter- and intra- observer error in bone fracture angle measurement data. Annual Meeting of the Paleoanthropology Society. 

O’Neill, R., Shakiban, C., Yezzi-Woodley, K., Calder, J., Olver, P., Tappen, M., Coil, R., Angulo-Umaña, P., Hessburg, B. (2019). Differentiable Geometric Invariants for Bone Fragment Refitting. American Mathematical Society and Mathematical Association of Joint Mathematics Meeting.