AMAAZE is committed to reproducible research, and open source code. All of the software from research papers associated with AMAAZE is available on this page at the links below.
Meshlab Plugins
To make our research accessible to practitioners in the field, we have developed plugins in the popular open source mesh processing software Meshlab. Currently this includes the Virtual Goniometer from our recent paper, cited below. More plugins will be available soon.
There are currently two ways to access our plugins.
- [New Method] Download and install the new (May 2021) release of Meshlab here and then download the Meshlab Extra plugins from here. Load the Virtual Goniometer plugin into Meshlab using the "Help->Plugin Info" menu. This method works in Windows, MacOS, and Linux, and is described in detail in our documentation (link below). Note there are two versions of the plugins, depending on whether you installed the single or double precision version of Meshlab. Meshlab should warn you if you try to use the wrong version.
- [Old Method] Download and run the DMG installer for MacOS. After installing the DMG, you may have to open Meshlab for the first time from Finder->Applications by right clicking and selecting "open". You will get a message "MacOS cannot verify the developer of meshlab. Are you sure you want to open it?". Click Open anyway. This is only necessary the first time you open Meshlab after installing from the DMG.
- If neither method above works, it is also possible to compile Meshlab from the C++ source code with the plugins included. This works well in Ubuntu Linux and MacOS. Please contact us if you want to pursue this method [email protected].
The documentation for our Meshlab plugins is available here.
If you use our plugins in your research, please cite our paper:
Yezzi-Woodley, K., Calder, J., Olver, P.J., Melton, A., Cody, P., Huffstutler, T., Terwilliger, A., Tappen, M., Coil, R. and Tostevin, G., (2020). The Virtual Goniometer: A new method for measuring angles on 3D models of fragmentary bone and lithics. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 13(106), 2021. [pdf] [Journal]
Blender Plugins
We are currently working on implementing our plugins in the open source mesh processing software Blender. Check back soon!